We Connect
Developing personalised pathways by connecting intensive mentors with young people.
GROWTH is an intensive mentoring programme of support for young people enabling personalised curriculum through – Giving, Resilience, Opportunities, Well-being, Transition and Hope (GROWTH).
Co-created with head teachers, local communities and businesses the GROWTH programme has been used to provide a creative, proven and engaging alternative curriculum for young people for a variety of purposes:
- SEND provision where a more tailored, stimulating, visually appealing toolkit is needed to enthuse and engage learners
- Risk of Exclusion (Years 7 – 11) where students are at risk of becoming dis-engaged with the mainstream education system due to challenges with motivation, attendance, punctuality, attainment or behaviour
- Alternative Education and PRU support where a non-mainstream provision is required to engage young people
- Looked After Children mentoring where small group-based work has shown greater engagement and a stimulus for discussion and personalised curriculum
Ideally GROWTH is most effectively delivered in smaller groups of 8-10 pupils.
Intensive mentoring
Intensive mentoring is at the heart of GROWTH and forms a continuous thread throughout the programme. Our evidence shows the critical need for positive role models from local communities and businesses who share similar lived experiences.
By simply giving young people TIME they can make a huge difference. Trusting relationships that inspire, motivate and empower young people can positively change their direction of travel. A chance conversation, a listening ear, a well-timed comment, positive encouragement and praise can enable a young person to shift their trajectory and fulfil their potential.
Mentors have come from many different spheres and include an entrepreneur who was previously excluded from school, a single mum who volunteers in the community, a professional who has been bullied by others at school due to their weight and a local activist who has disabilities.
The GROWTH mentoring programme has the capability to be used on a one to one basis and can be embedded as a positive curriculum choice for these pupils. Highly flexible it can be delivered as standalone modules, run throughout an academic year or used in transition and wider KS3 provision.
What makes a good mentor?
I can make a difference
One simple conversation, change of thinking, new perspective, inspiring story or practical action can shift the direction of travel for individuals. When you live and breathe the following six values you can make an even greater difference and enable them to fulfil their potential.
We are currently working with our partners at Merseyside Youth Association to shape a new Intensive Mentoring Qualification which has these values at its heart.